
Sunday, December 8, 2019

Workout: My Passion

Hey lovely readers!!

Getting up off the couch and taking part in regular physical activity is one of the most important things you can do to ensure you remain healthy. 
It's been more than a year since I am into this fitness journey and believe me this journey is amazing. Only thing you have to do is shut your brain with the lame excuses of being tired and skipping workout and start loving yourself with the sweat of your body which comes out after workout. Yes you heard me right.
Before I entered into this fitness journey, I used to be a typical punjabi girl whose focus was only on eating eating and eating. Eating is good but eating right is much more important which I can understand now when I am into this transformation journey. Merely following a diet will not help you to loose weight till the time you do some workouts.
I keep on meeting many ladies who says they don't even have an hour time from their routine for any kind of workout as they have kids and family to take care. Ladies you have to understand one thing, you are the backbone of your family and backbone has to be strong. This not only implies to females but to males too who are the bread earner of the family. You can take good care of your family only when you yourself is healthy. And for this, you have to spend a little on yourself and your body. So what you have to do is take out an hour time and make it your me-time by going out for a workout of your choice. Does not matter if it is Jogging,brisk Walking,Zumba,Aerobics anything, put the music high and go with the pace and see how you will start enjoying it.Choose whatever makes you happy,and make it your routine first and gradually your passion. Believe me your body will also start loving you and respond you even better.
And moreover it is not only helpful for people who are on weight loss journey but for everyone to be fit and healthy. I am sure you will be amazed by knowing the health benefits of workouts which I am writing below:
1) Help you control weight,make your body and muscles toned.
2) Help your body to manage blood and sugar levels
3) Reduce chances of heart attacks
4) Help you improve mental health
5) Improve your sexual health
6) Build immunity
6) Make you sleep like a baby :-)
7) Increase chances of living healthy and disease free life
8) Leads to good digestion
9) Lower risk of depression and anxiety
10) Reduce chances of cancer risk.
If there are such many innumerable health benefits of something then why are we not adapting it? Make yourself win from all the lame excuses,start enjoying workout from today itself and see the change in yourself.
And yes,who does not love glowing and pretty face with toned body :-) hope you got me now haha. Doesn't matter how busy life is treating you, take out half an hour me-time for yourself. Afterall, health is wealth.
With this, signing off for now.
Happy reading!!

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