
Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Swachh Bharat : A tiny step of ours can make a big difference to the Nation

Hey Guys..I am back with another topic today.Its a bit lengthy topic as I had so much to write, still I tried to summarise my feelings. Hope you will enjoy reading it. I heard many times people saying India is not clean and not a good country to stay. So my question starts with you all.. How many of us are actually making an effort or contributing a small effort daily to make our country clean?  Let me tell you series of incidents which are still happening nearby us after so many promotions on Swachh Bharat.
Yesterday an incident happened.. I was travelling to my hometown from Noida and I saw a lady sitting on the front seat of car eating a packet of chips which she threw outside of the car window when empty as she considered it garbage and preferred to dump it on the road rather than in car to make her vehicle look clean. And there cat got my tongue ☹️
Now look at the below images 

Aren’t we shameful after seeing these things still happening in our country? In our houses we are keeping a maid to keep our house clean on daily basis and what about the earth on which we are living. Are we doing justice with our country and our mother earth? What lesson are we giving to our new generation?? We have even been provided a facility of collecting trash from the doorstep itself still are we lazy enough to put the trash in the truck or these things don't matter to us? Even we have been made aware on the hazardous effects of polythenes, still we have placed a chapati wrapped in plastic for cow..My God
It brings discomfort to me when I see these things happening. 
When I talk from awareness perspective even our PM ,our Leaders, Celebrities everyone is putting so hard efforts to spread awareness on this cleanliness. Even we are seeing so many hoardings everywhere for cleanliness. Are we too busy that we are neglecting them or it does not matter to us anymore?

Look at the below images of all the great initiatives and hard efforts putting from govt


Because of these many awareness on Swachh India at least people are now aware up to some extent on cleanliness. Now small efforts are required from us too to help our country move forward. Even services are given to us,we just have to make them in use properly.

Public toilets are made on roads which is a great initiative to curb diseases and ease people. Moreover when toilets were given to people living in rural areas, they were on cloud nine. 

From amenities perspective, our country has been developing day by day and providing the best resources for utilization. Now our responsibility is to make the resources/ services utilization in best possible way. 

I was passing by and got impressed by this coconut hawker who preferred to keep a net bag to collect the waste. I salute him for not choosing a road to spread garbage.

Had we even seen this kind of awareness a decade back? I feel happiness seeing people taking this small initiatives as it shows we love our country and want our nation to be clean and a happy place for living.

Now other instance which is quite common,I am also a victim of this many times and many of you must have been went through this.Chewing gum under shoes. Isn’t it irritating? Not only it makes problem for passers but its actually hazardous for our pets and birds too. I was reading an article during web surfing and got to know these chewing gums which if by chance swallowed by birds can even led to their death. Why can’t we take precautions for these things. 
I believe if we take care on the tiny things, it will help us to make our country as well as our mother India clean. 

Few are the basic things which we should always have  in mind: 

1) No trash should be thrown on the road. We should throw it only in bins and in-case bins are not available around us then we can keep it in our bags till the time we see any bin 
2) Chewing gums should be thrown in dustbin only as it can be dangerous for animals or birds too
3) While using washrooms either in office or at home, we should flush it properly so that it is ready to be used by next person without any inconvenience. 
4) Before leaving the table where we eat, make sure we leave the table clean, to be in use by next person.

Can i request you all to please make sure not litter here and there and make every possible small efforts to keep our nearby areas clean and if you see any passer doing any such act just stop him there itself. By these small steps, we will keep our surroundings clean and if surroundings are cleaned gradually, India will be a clean country eventually and thats should be everyone's dream :-)

A tiny step of ours can definitely make a big difference to the nation!!

My contribution in Swachh Bharat:

This is my small initiative towards cleanliness by keeping a tissue paper in my tiffin box so that I leave my table clean and don't expect some one else to clean it. 

Just brainstorm a little and do comment me in inbox about your tiny initiative for clean India

With this signing off!!
Stay tuned for more blogs :-) 
Happy reading!!


  1. Great article divya.
    I liked the tips u shared to keep our surrounding clean n healthy.
    Would like to share my thinking also.
    Government has done and is doing enough to control this issue but the real lacking is in moral n common sense of major percentage of citizens. Most of us feels that it is normal to throw garbage anywhere because someone is appointed there by government to clean it n we are paying in terms of tax. Like this they feel littering is their right. Which is absolutely wrong thinking.
    N the biggest reason I feel is the belongingness of citizens to this country. If you ask to a bunch of people , "who's country is this?" They will answer "Ours" not "Mine" and with this attitude they feel someone else's responsibility to stop people littering around. This is a big moral lacking n our country will keep suffering on not only cleanliness front but on all fronts until each n everyone of us feels it's own responsibility to contribute for the noble civic cause.

    1. I really appreciate your interest in my blogs and being a constant follower. You have put very right perspective of yours but we all have to work collaboratively to change the mindset of people and start working on it from person standing next to do littering and these small efforts and awareness of us will definitely bring a change in our nation.

  2. Keeping tissue paper and the waste in our bag is a way to contribute to cleanliness.

    1. Indeed Prachi..Help me to bring awareness in our surroundings.

  3. Again great work divya. Great awareness. 😊

  4. Very nyc article....we must corelate it with our daily life and use the tips mentioned above....beacause well said " cleanliness is next to godliness".

  5. Awsm blog, one after one you are writing on the the real time issue and habits. whether it is benefits of water where you described the way water drinking habit to be developed with help of APP and how water can help us to improvise internal as well as external body.

    Your today topic is really a challenge in our country, some area are really show case but some of the area required attention. Bringing this topic on table required courage as well as same to be implemented in our own life, you have articulated blog very well. Kudos to you for promoting such awareness.

  6. Shukla Mukhi your mom
    Divya u have written a very nice blog on swach Bharat but dear it is India.Though facilities available but people still misuse it.what about slum people they litter on road side at every place there is no toilets .So it will take time for India to become swach.combined effort s will surely bring a are writing nice blogs continue writing.Best of luck.

  7. Great article..spreading awareness about cleanliness, like u r doing, is itself an initiative..i appreciate ur work di :)
